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Harmonizing Dreams: Daniela's Journey from Project Music to YOLA
Daniela Carias is among our students admitted to YOLA (Youth Orchestra Los Angeles), marking a significant milestone in her musical journey. After years of dedication to Project Music, Daniela's admission to YOLA underscores her commitment and talent. With a passion for the clarinet ignited through her involvement in Project Music, Daniela's acceptance into YOLA signifies a major achievement in her pursuit of musical excellence.

Emily Andrea Iñiguez's YOLA Achievement
Emily reflects on her journey, stating, "Okay, I'd say it definitely was a process of me doing anything and everything I could to prepare myself for such a big deal and putting all my dedication and focus into it." Despite facing challenges, Emily's unwavering faith in herself propelled her forward. Her gratitude extends to her teachers and the entire Project Music staff, whom she credits for shaping her both as a musician and as a person.